Why Join the Adventure (JtA)? JtA is a community of like-minded people, who are interested in experiencing life and making a positive mark on the world.

This means embracing new experiences, pushing boundaries, and being up for the challenge. It’s also about seeking out the thrill of the adventure, taking the road less travelled, and appreciating the journey. “The world is one big adventure – DARE to go there!®”

The day kicked off with a visit to Paddington, where we purchased a Paddington Bear souvenir. It was delightful to stroll through the canal area we enjoyed during our previous visit. Next, we made a pit stop at Baker Street to explore the Sherlock Holmes museum and the Beatles shop.

Our afternoon was splendidly spent along the River Thames at The Rutland Arms, where we savoured a fantastic lunch. The place was bustling with activity, and the riverbank was teeming with spectators witnessing the Oxford vs. Cambridge rowing races.

Cambridge continued their impressive streak in the Boat Race, triumphing in both the men’s and women’s events, although concerns lingered regarding water pollution’s impact on the competitors’ health.

Tally for the day: 16.7k steps / 10.6km.

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