Australia to the UK Adventure
International travel can be super easy and nothing but fun!
Why Join the Adventure (JtA)? JtA is a community interested in experiencing life and making a positive impact.
This means embracing new experiences, pushing boundaries, and being up for the challenge. It’s also about seeking out the thrill of the adventure, taking the road less travelled, and appreciating the journey. “The world is one big adventure – DARE to go there!®”
Having travelled domestically and to New Zealand from Australia many times, this travel adventure is something else. And I only have one tip!

So, my name is Andrew McCarthy-Wood and I’m on this adventure with Jodi, my partner and her parents.
This travel adventure has only just started, so definitely follow this website to follow the entire adventure.
Anyway, it all started about a year ago, when Jodi’s parents asked if we would like to join them on a travel adventure to the United Kingdom (UK). At the time, we were all still somewhat being affected by the impacts and restrictions of COVID-19. And the distance in time as to when we would be flying out of the country seemed so far away, that it made it easy to flippantly say “yes”.
Well, a year went by in what seemed like days and the next thing we are all on a plane from Brisbane to Darwin, then Darwin to Singapore with a four-hour stopover, before finally flying to the UK.
To be honest, I don’t have any idea on what it takes to prepare for any of this, as the adventure got closer the pressures of work immensely increased too. So, I focused on delivering everything needed to be able to go away for about a month, while the others made the magic happen, so we could all jump on a series of planes that ultimately brought us to the UK.
On reflection, sitting in a hotel in Hammersmith, UK on the first day in this country, it amazes me just how easy it all was. Now, there were moments of focus when it came to where we needed to be for boarding gates and changeovers, but not for me. This just all happened, and so effortlessly.
And that brings me to my one tip, going on a trip like this for the very first time, go with someone who has done it before and loves the experience. This will certainly make a world of difference!
A few other observations, we flew with Virgin from Brisbane to Darwin, then Singapore Airlines for the other two legs of the journey.
While it is no secret that Virgin has been hit hard financially during the COVID-19 pandemic, it sadly really shows.
In contrast, Singapore Airlines outshines in every aspect of the flying experience. The staff greet every passenger so warmly, they appear to have the upmost pride and attention to detail. The planes are much more nicely presented, especially when it comes to cleanliness.

And between Brisbane, Darwin, Singapore and Heathrow airports, the Singapore airport experience really feels like you have been taken to another more amazing world. This includes futuristic modes of transport between terminals, huge hi tech displays, and way more food options than the other airports.
With just on day in the UK, it has been confronting just how little people interact with each other. Maybe this is just a specific time and place thing, but no one greets or smiles at each other.
This is counteracted by being immersed in history and seeking out food and drink options.

These moments are a great reminder how, while still rich in history, Australia doesn’t have the same shrines to heritage that captivated your imagination as you think about what was.