Why Join the Adventure (JtA)? JtA is a community of like-minded people, who are interested in experiencing life and making a positive mark on the world.

This means embracing new experiences, pushing boundaries, and being up for the challenge. It’s also about seeking out the thrill of the adventure, taking the road less travelled, and appreciating the journey. “The world is one big adventure – DARE to go there!®”

If you’re looking to fuel up for a cold day in the land down under, there’s no better brekkie than a bowl of hot and hearty porridge!

Let’s be real here – when you wake up and it’s colder than a penguin’s posterior outside, the last thing you want is a bowl of cold cereal that’ll leave you shivering in your boots. No, what you need is something warm and comforting to kickstart your day and get you ready to face whatever the weather throws at you.

And that’s where porridge comes in – not only is it delicious and filling, but it’s also a real Aussie classic. Plus, there are so many different ways to enjoy it – you can add in some fresh fruit, sprinkle on a bit of cinnamon, or even drizzle on some golden syrup for a real treat! So don’t let the cold weather get you down, mate. Grab a bowl of porridge and start your day off right – because as we say in Australia, “no worries, just oats!”

Choose Your Own Adventure!

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