Why Join the Adventure (JtA)? JtA is a community interested in experiencing life and making a positive impact.

This means embracing new experiences, pushing boundaries, and being up for the challenge. It’s also about seeking out the thrill of the adventure, taking the road less travelled, and appreciating the journey. “The world is one big adventure – DARE to go there!®”

Principal Chris Allom.

As the school year settles in, St. Michael’s College, Caboolture Principal, Chris Allom has taken the time to talk about improvements being made to the primary school, and why they are important.

“Some of the things that I’d like to talk about today are the improvements that we have made at the school over the Christmas holidays,” Principal Allom said in the video above.

“And the first one of those I’d like to talk about is the building that is behind me over here, currently where we are running our Japanese program for our Prep to Year 6 students.

“And it’s also where our head of wellbeing support is working one-on-one with students to help them with any issues that might come up in their personal lives or at school.

“So, at St. Michael’s College, we want to offer our students many opportunities in many areas of our curriculum.

“And Japanese fills a specific part of our academic pillar at the school, and we think exposing our children to a language that’s not English and a culture that’s not Australian is a wonderful opportunity for our students to learn more about themselves and the world and develop a set of skills that’s going to help them into the future.

“At a school level, we try and encourage our students to be involved in all areas of our curriculum, whether that be the academic work we do in our classrooms or in our Japanese program, our physical work that we do in HPE and through sport, our cultural work through music and performance and our spiritual work, through our pastoral care program and our religious teaching that we do at school,” Principal Allom concluded.

St. Michael’s College, Caboolture has enrolment spaces available, CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE.

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