Why Join the Adventure (JtA)? JtA is a community interested in experiencing life and making a positive impact.

This means embracing new experiences, pushing boundaries, and being up for the challenge. It’s also about seeking out the thrill of the adventure, taking the road less travelled, and appreciating the journey. “The world is one big adventure – DARE to go there!®”

James Doyle Talk

James Doyle Talk (extended)

Law and Lore Launch

Stories of the Lore and the Law have been captured with the creation of a unique work of Indigenous art on a wall of the new Caboolture Watchhouse, and a booklet that elaborates on the story of the art and showcases local Aboriginal language.

Minister for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Craig Crawford, and State Member for Morayfield Mark Ryan along with Moreton Bay Regional Council representatives, unveiled the booklet at 3pm on Monday 4 July, onsite in King Street, Caboolture.

The mural, a wonderful addition to Caboolture’s cultural landscape, was painted by acclaimed indigenous artists James Doyle – a proud Gubbi Gubbi (Kabi Kabi), Butchulla, Iman, Gungarri man. Doyle was also instrumental in the creation of the booklet, consulting on the literary explanation of his art.

The Indigenous Mural and Carpet Snake Sculpture on the watch house wall were made possible as result of a partnership between the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, the Queensland Police, Badge Constructions, Moreton Bay Council, and several Indigenous companies.

The stories visualised by the mural are explained by a booklet with various words highlighted based on shared words from different Indigenous language groups and shared kinship.

Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Craig Crawford said he was delighted to attend the launch of Stories of the Lore and the Law.

“When we think about the storylines of the Black Cockatoo and the Eagle it gives us all, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, a deeper sense of traditional lore,’’ Mr Crawford said.

“It helps us to embrace the vibrant cultures of our First Nations peoples. It is also the hallmark of a reconciled society built on justice, unity and respect.

“I believe wonderful murals like these in the local Kabi Kabi language will assist in promoting language and culture for generations now and to follow.”

The Indigenous Languages Grants program is jointly funded by the Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and the Education Department.

State Member for Morayfield, Mark Ryan, welcomed the launch of the new booklet as a companion piece to the Caboolture Watchhouse Mural.

“The artwork is a symbol of unity, illustrating the importance of our community working together to provide a better understanding of one another, as well as promoting stronger working relationships between community groups, community leaders and the policing community.

“This is a fantastic little book that champions local indigenous language and immortalises the story and lore depicted in James’s wonderful artwork,” Mr Ryan said.

“I’m excited to be part of this event and to help launch these terrific showcases of the Caboolture region’s rich First Nations culture.”

Moreton Bay Mayor Peter Flannery said it was an important celebration of language and history.

“The artwork aims to promote a greater understanding and unity in our community and will be on public display as part of the new watch house in Caboolture,” he said.

“Council is serious about acknowledging our First Nations people and we are currently preparing a Reconciliation Action Plan.

“We also provided funding in this year’s Budget to install welcome statements at the entrance to each of our libraries in the traditional languages of Moreton Bay’s traditional owners.”

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